Delics began with two humans and a desire to make a transformational impact.

Our Story~

Mike and Ash met one beautiful fall afternoon during a community event previously hosted by the local artists studio Creator’s Space, The Psychedelic Society of Minnesota, and Resonate Healing. Ash was offering a somatic journey through sound, and Mike, an experience through subtle plant medicines. Quickly, they discovered their overlapping passion for providing spaces for others to transform their way of being in the world.

One bowl of Chrysanthemum tea, a sun shower, and conversation saturated with depth; they quickly discovered that together, they were meant to birth something meaningful. Something that would assist others in awakening to the power that exists within the present moment. The truth of all that really exists; the now.

In a society that is rooted in consumerism, distraction, and productivity, Mike and Ash have dedicated their lives to service rooted in a deep remembrance of the truth of the essence of our being.. being, in the now.

Cheers, to your prosperity, presence, and health.
